Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Wordless Wednesday

Talk about Deja vu...

Dorian at 9 months in 2002.

Jordan at 7 months (almost) on Jan. 6, 2008.


  1. Uh, yeah! Until I scrolled down I thought that it was the same series of photos! Isn't it amazing how the kids have an uncanny resemblance no matter how different they actually are?

  2. What a cute baby!! Great pictures. Happy WW!!!!

  3. Obviously, they like seafood.

  4. That is incredible!!!! I thought I was seeing double there for a moment but it's a little early to be hitting the bottle! :)

  5. Hi Sarah,
    I am happy to keep your ad on my blog for free. It is just nice to do something for one of Lisa's friends :)
    But ... Would it be ok with you if I gave my friend Julie your 5% offer? She has a new blog and is trying to raise any amount she can towards her pending adoption.


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