Sunday, June 22, 2008

Our New Pup

His name is Kouma and he is a 9 week old white (obviously) German Shepherd. So far, he's been a pretty good puppy*.

*My definition of Puppy: A rambunctious, clumsy, ankle-biting fur ball. Known to pee on the cement when he is too tired/lazy to make it to the grass. Beware of puddles, as this miniture horse can't go 15 minutes without a potty break.

He's so darn cute though! And we're working on the definition. ;-)


  1. Does he ever stand up? He is cute.

  2. He's a bit lazy but when he is standing up, he's all over the place and capturing a photo with no blurs in it becomes almost impossible.

  3. How cute!! I so love puppies! They are so playful!`


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