Monday, September 22, 2008

Lord of the Flies

My husband gets credit for the title of this story, because he is the reason for the story. Pictures are below for your viewing pleasure.

Yesterday (Sunday) afternoon, the family & I enjoyed a day out and about. We browsed through Ontario Mills and visited family before venturing 2 hours back home.

The hubs thought it would be a good idea to leave the back door open (screen door also) so Kouma could help himself to the backyard when the potty bells rang. We were gone for a total of 9 hours. My "animal lover" husband didn't want poor Kouma to suffer that long in his cage. That, I agree with BUT, leaving the patio door open for many many many hours, not so much.

When we got home at 8:45pm, I took Bean straight back to her room to put her down for bed. D went to the potty & was told to go straight to bed after he was done as it was pass his bedtime as well.

As I'm putting Bean in her PJ's I hear, "Holy Sh!t" or something along those lines. I walk out of her room, worried that Kouma had destroyed our computer and look over at my husband to see him staring at the ceiling. When I look up I see hundred's of flies just camping out on our ceiling. I scream and yell, "What the hell is that?" Clearly I am blind or choosing not to believe what I am seeing. My hubby say's, "flies." "Get D in his room & close his door. Put Bean down to bed & make sure you keep her door closed too," he said.

The only good part about this story is that we always have all the bedroom and bathroom doors closed so Bean can't get into anything she's not supposed to. All the bedroom's and bathroom's were clear of flies. I get Bean down and tuck Dorian in, telling him really quickly what is going on and why he needs to keep his door closed.

I head down the hall to get a better look at our fly motel. There are flies all over the living room, dining room and kitchen. On the walls, ceiling, ceiling fans, light fixtures, tables, everywhere. 500 flies, I think is an understatement.

After surveying the damage, I suit up in my fly killing gear (fly swatter & a paper towel to dispose of the unlucky one's) and get to work. Sean ran off to Wal-Mart to purchase those sticky fly catcher things & fly fogger. By the time he returned, I'm guessing I had killed close to a hundred fly's.

I never believed those little sticky things worked but when you have hundred's of flies in your house, you're bound to catch a few. So now we have hundred's of flies, 20 sticky fly catcher things and 4 cans of fogger. What a fabulous evening this turned out to be.

Sean starts covering everything with towels, blankets and plastic as I pin the sticky fly catcher thing's all over the ceiling. One of them claimed 6 inches of my hair. Grrrr! There was no way I was going to try and get bug attracting goop out of my hair so off it went!

After all was covered and hung, Sean put the pups up and got ready to set the fogger's. Before going back to the bedroom I told him, "Babe, I don't think we're suppose to be in the house when you set these thing's off." But he was adamant that the instructions just suggest getting out of the area. Now you're probably wondering, why in the world would I trust the word of a man who just let hundreds of flies enjoy our AC prior to their gruesome death? Because I love and trust him, that's why.

I poor myself a glass of water, grab my purse and other belongings and retreat to the bedroom. 10 minutes later I'm gagging from the fumes that were let in when the hubby came into our room. We had stuffed all the cracks of the kids doors to insure that they were bug zapper free but we were still worried. We rushed off to get them and within seconds we all poured into the master bedroom where the other patio door was open (screen door closed) to let in air.

We experienced 1 bedroom living last night. Sean and I in our bed, D in the closet and Bean in her playpen in our bathroom. We all survived and Sean and I woke up early to clean up the mess before the kids woke up.

I would guess that there were about 300 flies just on the sticky things alone. After a lot of vacuuming, sweeping, wiping down of every household item and removal of the sticky things, our house was back to normal. Thank God!

Our Dining Room area and Kitchen

Living Room

Sean, hard at work!

Animal Lover/Fly Assassin


  1. Oh. My. Garsh.

    I would've felt tempted to whack my dh over the head with that fly swatter once or twice for the bright idea to leave the door open to begin with. AURGH!! LOL!

  2. Cute photos, even if it was traumatic.

  3. Yikes! I hate flies! Funny story:)Glad it all turned out ok.

  4. My mom had that happen twice in her house, once it was this big black patch on the kitchen wall, the second time they came up behind the fireplace (which had a gas fire in it, not an open fireplace), so she had to go open the cupboard at the side that gave access to the back of the fire, and they all flew out in her face. Thankfully she'd already opened the windows at this point.

    It was an old house and they were flying ants, on that one day a year when the whole nest ups and goes, the nest was just to the side of the house underground and they were coming up into the house through cracks in the foundation or something, ewwww.

    Exterminator finally got rid of the nest after that.

  5. TOO funny, I'm just thankful that I'm not the only one who ends up in crazy situations like this, all thanks to our DHs.

  6. OMG! this is so cute! LOL Lord of the flies, well he got a good work out whacking flies lol good for the muscles.

  7. You are much braver and nicer than me! I probably would've gone to bed with the kids.

  8. Oh no! I think I would have died!

  9. Oh NO!! I'm so glad you were able to get it under control.

  10. Oh my gosh! LOL Your hubby looks so cute with his weapons. Fly assassin. Cracks me up.

  11. Those sticky fly things kind of look like party streamers hanging from your ceiling. In a way, I guess those flies DID have a party....

  12. That would have freaked me out big time! YIKES. Having five buzz around me drives me nuts! I can't imagine what over 500 would do! YUCKY!

  13. Oh boy.
    Flies drive me NUTS! There was one in my car the other day and I wanted to crash my car just to kill the durn thing.
    I take it you won't be leaving your door open again any time soon...

  14. Eeek! I'm so glad that things turned out for the best. I really don't know what I would have done, you are much braver than me!

  15. So sorry to hear about your fly problem. So I guess we learned a lesson? I thought your hubby was smarter than that. I guess you never know.


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