Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Wordless Wednesday

World's Largest Hershey Bar!

Brought home by Daddy who was learning to fly another aircraft near Hershey, Pennsylvania. Thanks Daddy!


  1. Where will you keep the Hersey Bar? Will it share the room with Shamu?

  2. WOW...that's big! FYI...this shows up when I try to visit your site from the comment section...

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  3. Oh YUMMMM... I'll be right over !!! I bet that is being enjoyed....Happy WW
    Thanks for the blog visit.

  4. Oh boy would my kids be jealous! Of course I would end up eating most of it - so I'm glad it's at your house :0)

  5. The bar has yet to be opened and it's currently taunting my every move while I'm in the kitchen tryin to cook my delicious, healthy meals.

    I think when my son's b-day rolls around, (which is in about a month) I'm gonna give a big chunk to the kids before I send them home. Ha! It's a slumber party so a little pay back is ok. Right?

  6. Yummy! I went to Hershey, Pennsylvania before and the whole city smells like chocolate!

    One problem... now my mouth is watering for some of it!

  7. Wow! Did he have to leave a suitcase behind to bring it home? If my son saw that he'd be sprinting to the potty so he could get his chocolate treat.

  8. Now that's some chocolate! What a sugar high!

  9. I could use a pice of that right now, even last night! That is BIG!
    Stop by my WW for the morning after picture!

  10. How great! I have been to Hershey a few times and loved it. Now, next time I go I will have to get one of those! How excellent.

    Happy WW :)

  11. Now that is awesome! That would be my favorite gift!

  12. Awesome treat from dad! ;)
    I love it. I'd love to HAVE it. lol

  13. Now that's what I call big! And a shirt to blend.

  14. That is some serious chocolate!!!
    Frugal Carol

  15. I could probably eat all of that. Seriously. Ok, maybe not all in one sitting but still.

    Booking my flight to Hershey, PA... ; )

  16. W.O.W! That's like a red rag to a bull for most of the people looking at that picture! Me included.

  17. Wow, looks like all of you are going to have chocolate for a while. Love his shirt as well :)

    Happy WW!

  18. oh wow i bet he was totally thrilled. Is there any left my kids would devour it in no time.

  19. Well, he's a candy kid, isn't he? Cute shot. Hey, need help eating that thing?

  20. ummm, share please! Looks delish. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Happy WW!

  21. Wow! That is one big Hershey Bar! In this instance, he does have enough to SHARE with the class. LOL


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