Monday, December 15, 2008

Snow in the Desert!

Right in front of our house. How ironic huh!? Desert View plus Snow!

The view from over our back fence.

Our backyard (or lack there of).

Our community covered in snow.

My "desert" plants crying out for help.

And more "desert" plants.

D as happy as he can be! He said his Christmas wish came true. Isn't that sweet?

Or maybe he's just thankful I pulled him out of school?

Fun in the snow!

D's snowman

What NOT to do when you have snow on your window's. How was I supposed to know? I was born and raised in Houston, driving with snow never happened there. I thought it would just slide right off as the window went down. Instead, it held it's shape and when I figured out what a stupid decision I made and tried to push it out, it came tumbling in. Anyway, it was a lesson learned and I think I got snow in some not-so-good area's of my car. :-/


  1. This CA - anything is possible!!!!When did it all happen? Last night? I wondered about you guys because I saw the 215 was shut down. Well maybe we should come to barstow for Christmas. :) Where is the little one did she not want to play in the snow?

  2. This happened today, Dec 15. It snowed for a solid 3 hours, from about 8:50 to Noon.

    I didn't want Bean playing in the snow. We're not exactly snow weather equipped and I didn't want to chance it and have a sick baby on Christmas. She enjoyed the trip out to the car and watching the snow as we drove to pick D up from school.

  3. You weren't kidding were you? Glad to see that you successfully made it to D's school and back- safely!

  4. WOW what fun! It snowed here once last month but it was only a dusting.

    help a family dear to my heart have a memorable Christmas!It only takes a stamp!


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