Tuesday, June 2, 2009

And this is where the story begins...

My journey to a MS diagnosis. Maybe. Really. Hold the phone calls. I totally don't want to talk about it, at least not yet. I just need to let some things out and why not do it here? This will become my little "Journey to MS or Something Else" journal. But no need to worry, I will still have crazy pictures of my kiddo's, funny pick up lines from the Hubs and all the silly and unexplained stuff yours truly does on the daily.

Now let's begin, shall we. I learned on May 5th that I may have MS. Or at least I have MS like symptoms. After experiencing Vertigo for 3 hours straight (which ended up lasting a full 24 hours) I scheduled an appointment with my GP. I was seen that day and after being prescribed a medication to clean out my ears, I mentioned that I would like to ask him about something off the subject of vertigo. By the way, he thought there was an issue with the fluids in my ears that was causing everything to be a little a lot off.

I brought up an issue that I've had since my late teens. Heat Sensitivity. A few weeks prior I was out with my son playing putt putt. After about 20 minutes in the heat my eye sight was tunneling and I needed to sit down before I passed out. This is normal for me now and unfortunately, it's getting worse. I use to be able to spend hours outside before getting lightheaded and dizzy. Now, it only takes a few minutes of doing almost nothing before I need to escape the heat. Thus, the reason for me bringing it up to my doctor. I'm starting to worry about what may happen to my children if I should happen to "fall out" when my husband isn't around.

After explaining my recent run in with the heat, I think the Doc put two and two together and immediately said, "I'm going to refer you to a Neurologist, sounds like you may have MS..."


  1. I'm so sorry! My dad is one of the top neurologists in the country, seriously, no joke. If you ever need a 2nd opinions and are in the Virginia tri-state area, just let me know :)

  2. Thank you so much Katie! Wish I was, just wait till you hear how my first appt went with my neurologist (coming soon), a complete train wreck.

  3. There is no one I can refer you too, but I am here if you need me.


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