Saturday, June 27, 2009

Maybe In Another 4 Years

Are you sick of looking at my disgusting finger yet? I am. So I thought I'd let you guys know how my date went with the Hubs last night.

The Kiddo's are at Grandma and Pa Pa's for the weekend so the Hubs and I took this opportunity to go out on a date. We went with the typical first date scenario, dinner and a movie.

Dinner was great! Yummy and delicious. We went to Olive Garden, I had a Sangria and some super fattening Chicken Fettuccini Alfredo, which was totally worth every single calorie it dishes out. The Hubs was good, he had Salmon and veggies. Booooo!!!! We talked about nothing and everything. We laughed. We joked. We fell in love again. All in less then 2 hours. Maybe it was the Sangria? LOL! Kidding. Love you Babe!

After that we made our way to the movie theatre to see The Hangover. Once we got seated the Hubs got a phone call from our alarm company saying the alarm was tripped in our house. Grrrr!!! Hubs was pretty positive it was Max, jumping on the kitchen table (BAD DOG!) and tripping the motion sensor. But I just couldn't sit in a theatre waiting for ADT to call us back and let us know if the cops saw anything suspicious.

We got a refund, jumped in the car, and headed home. When we got there all was fine. Damn dog! At that point, we didn't feel like waiting 2 hours to catch the other showing of The Hangover so we just stayed home. The last time the Hubs and I saw a movie (in a theatre) without the children was in 2005.


P.S. If you have seen The Hangover, don't tell me anything. We'll just add it to the Blockbuster list.


  1. OK I will try to help you again. But if and when this help comes please leave the darn dog in the garage.:-) Guess who????

  2. I hope you at least got to take some DELICIOUS movie theater popcorn home with you! When I was little, my mom would make my dad go into the theater to buy her some on our way home from the mall! She hates to sit through movies but loves her some popcorn! HA!


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