Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I Remember When...

  • I could walk into a clothing store and look good in anything I tried on. Now, I'm lucky if I don't cry in the dressing room.
  • I would come home from school and eat 20 Bagel Bites, a whole bag of Goldfish Crackers, a few cookies, and the next day my jeans would still fit. Now, keep dreaming Sarah, keep dreaming.
  • My biggest worry in the morning was how high I could get my bangs to stand up and resemble the perfect wave. Now, diaper changes, dogs to be fed, kids to be fed, the perfect cartoon must be playing on the television, what's for dinner, do I even want to cook dinner....Ahhhh!!!!
  • I use to come and go as I please. Now, I can still come and go as I please but now it involves 2 additional (little) people. Who come with a duffel bag of items to keep them quiet and entertained.
  • High heels were so hot, painful, but totally hot! Now, they just fuckin' hurt!
  • I got paid to do chores.
  • I couldn't wait to learn how to drive. Now, I try to beat my husband to the passenger seat.

I have so many more but no time to sit here and type them all out. I was just thinking about how I was so carefree as a child and teen. I guess this is all a part of growing up. We don't always like it, but we have to do it.

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