Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Getting ready to start my EEG.

Fake sleeping during EEG. I had to completely relax and keep my eyes closed for 20 minutes.

The aftermath.

So all my tests are done, now I just wait. I wasn't able to get my Radiologist Report today. You have to mail/fax/email a request, they then have 14 days to respond. I'll send the request tomorrow but I'm sure I'll see my Neuro before they get here.

My appointment to go over all tests results is next Thursday, the 29th. Between now and then, I'm just going to chill. These may be my last 8 days of being 'free' of an incurable disease.

Once I get the results, either way they go, I'll share with you after all family members have been told.

Thank you for your support. :)


  1. Keep strong and have faith in God that all will be ok,

  2. Thank you! :) Sometimes it gets a little tough to do that but I'll definitely keep trying.

  3. I am praying for you, Sarah. What ever happens God will give you strength to overcome it.


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