Thursday, January 28, 2010

Sorry For the Delay

I got a callback.

And invited to walk the runway and show my skills to 40 of the top modeling, acting, and whatever else, agencies in the WORLD! Big names like...

The CW

The sad part. It's gonna cost me. I have to pay $295.00 (deposit) by February 8th in order to reserve my spot. I don't have it. And I know the games BS agencies play when they make you pay in order to get paid but I do believe, this is different.

In April, the 40 agents will be flown in from all over the world to view the 'chosen ones'. It's a 2-day event and on day one we'll, LEARN, PRACTICE, AUDITION. On day two we'll, LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION.

All that's needed is 2 recent photos that do not have to be professional. But of course, I'm going to need a couple of cute outfits and maybe some new shoes. My hair color will need to be updated by then and I'll probably need a pedicure. LOL!

So why do I have to pay? Here's what the Head Dude say's,

"It is going to cost about a quater of a million dollars to fly in all the agents for this event. There is no other company that can offer you this much exposure at this cost. The fee is to cover the expenses we incur for this event. If you were to go out on your own and try to get face-to-face with these agents, you will end up spending ten-of-thousands of dollars."

Very true. It is highly unlikely that anyone would be able to travel the world and get their face in front of the top scouting agents from 40 different companies. Hmmm...

Everyone I've talked to about it, isn't diggin' the idea of dishing out dough for something like this. And there is no guarantee that I'll be called back and signed by one of the 40. So why do I still want to do it?

I have no freakin' idea.

Maybe to prove something. For the experience. To see, "can I really do it?"

When I was 16 I was accepted to something similar. However, it was in NY and I was living in Houston at the time. This one is in LA and I'll be able to drive to the event each day. I lost out on that one because I was a pain-in-the-ass teen. I ran away for 2 weeks to Kansas (long story) and my Mom rightfully yanked the trip away from me.

What do I do?

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