Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Wordless Wednesday

Please ignore the terrible fashion statement we are making with J. Bean's outfit/pj's. We were just hanging around the house all day and mama didn't look much better.

She thought she would get a head start on big brothers "Writing with Phonics K5" book from last year. She has excellent cursive, if I do say so myself.

P.S. I'm having a giveaway below so if you're interested please sign up here.


  1. never too early for phonics, eh?

  2. She is too cute! I do the same thing a lot of days. There are those days where we moms just don't feel like doing anything. I love those days

  3. Starting her early on her phonics great picture.and she looks adorable in her outfit .happy ww

  4. Isn't she precious! Don't forget to tell the story behind the photo at tomorrow!

    Happy WW!

  5. How cute. She looks so comfy. I love her smile.

  6. Your never too young to get "hooked on phonics!" What a pretty smile! :)

  7. What a sweet LO!!


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