Friday, November 13, 2009

Taking Control

"What is it that sets apart people who recover from serious illness? In general they find the illness a challenge and an opportunity for personal growth. They tackle the illness actively, rather than being passive recipients of doctors’ treatments. They go to every source for information, are open-minded about unconventional therapies, try everything. They feel empowered by the discoveries they make to take control of their illnesses, and indeed, their lives."

I couldn't have said it any better. That quote was borrowed from Taking Control of Multiple Sclerosis, a very informative site that I discovered thanks to a fellow MS'er.

When I wrote this post I thought I was ready, but clearly, I wasn't. After the diagnosis was confirmed I seeped into a mini-depression of sorts (which is very hard to admit) and I'm sure was noticeable in some of my recent posts. I can't promise that this will never happen again because as I said before, I am human. However, I have risen out of the gloom and have become motivated to 'get on with it'.

Today was the start of the Swank Diet, and no, I'm not talking about Hilary. It's a diet designed for people with MS and simply put, it cuts back on a lot of the bad fats we intake. I'm still learning but I have the basics down and have successfully made it through Day One. Topping it off with a glass of Merlot in true Sarah Ellis fashion. ;) It's allowed. At least in my rule book it is.

So now I shall do what no woman should ever have to, and reveal my starting weight to all you beautiful blog readers. :)

I am 5'9'' (hoping this will make the weight sound better) and I weigh 163.6 today.

I will update my progress and weight every week. Last year I lost 30lbs. on my own with a diet that seems to follow some of the same rules as Swank. That was with zero exercise. I will be exercising with this diet and like the quote insinuates above, I am taking full control of this piece of shit disease.

Wednesday 11/18 - Appointment with my GP to get her up to speed, get blood tests to check some levels, and also to get a referral to a Physical Therapist.

Friday 11/20 - Appointment with a Nutritionist.

Near Future - Appointment with Physical Therapist.

A couple of people have questioned why I am going to see a physical therapist and for me, the answer is easy. Right now, I am (thank God) still physically able to do almost anything any healthy person can do. I could put off the physical healthiness for a while if I wanted to, but I don't. I say, why wait for something to go wrong and then try to fix it? Instead, fix your body now and get it to 100% Kick Ass strength so when some stupid lesion forms in the wrong place, you're able to fight back as hard and as long as you can.

The nutritionist is pretty obvious. I'm cutting a lot of essential vitamins out with my diet (and adding some too) and I want to be sure I'm balanced. I also want to make sure I am not overdoing one supplement or underdoing another. This way, I can talk with a specialist and have complete confidence that I am feeding my body all the necessary nutrients it needs each day.

Until next time...

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