- Severly sprained my ankle after falling down the stairs while holding Bean. She suffered no injuries but I was on crutches for 3 weeks.
- Had a pretty cruddy 26th birthday. I was limping around and the Hubs was away on a training mission. This year, I hope my birthday is a 100 times better. Aug. 22!!!
- Or D, locked us out of our house while Bean was in her room sleeping. The housing office "misplaced" the copy of our house key that they had and a fireman had to bust out the glass in one of our french doors. I slept, without my husband, in a bedroom with a boarded up door for almost 2 weeks. Even though it was military housing, I kept my gun nearby.
- Was the victim of a Hit and Run while enjoying a day with the family.
- I slammed my finger in a 2009 Cadillac XLR Covertible at the LA Auto Show and they had the nerve NOT to give me one. Some people! Ge'ez! ;-)
- I heard the devastating statement "You may have MS.", and have been on the journey of Not Knowing since May 2009.
- I squashed my finger in Bean's stroller. You should see my hands, especially my right one, they're magnets for disaster. By the way, I still have numbess in my middle finger from that incident & it's been about a month.
- July 1, 2009 has officially been named "The Worst Day of my Life". That's a more personal story that hasn't been shared here and probably never will.
The Positives of California
- We have family and support nearby and the hubs and I have been able to get a lot more quality time together without the kids.
- We were featured in Pregnancy and Newborn magazine. And the best part, they asked me for permission to put my product in and I didn't have to pay a dime.
- The kids had a blast when we got tons of snow in the High Desert. I enjoyed it too, but not the time when I rolled down my car window.
- We enjoyed the mountains of Cali with our first go at tubing.
- My family came from Texas to visit us and we went to the San Diego Zoo and spent about 4 days at Disneyland. We had a blast!
- We bought a beautiful house, our first home.
- Lots of fun at Universal Studio's.
- And most importantly, my kids are happy, healthy and safe.
This past year had a few (major) bad points but I think for the most part, it was just life. Shit happens. All you can do is get up, dust yourself off, and keep moving forward. I've done that, but I'm really hoping that this upcoming year offers more pleasure then pain.
I am sure it will. There is a saying "this too shall pass" and "God doesn't give more that we can bear". Remember this and all will be good.