Monday, December 31, 2007

The Pitter Patter Boutique Sweepstakes

The Pitter Patter Boutique Sweepstakes

What better way to kick off the new site and the upcoming New Year then to offer a giveaway!

What's up for grabs???

Nursing Cover from our store AND a set of Car Seat Strap Covers. Below are just examples of the prizes you could win! And the best part, you choose your favorite from over 160 different Fabric choices in our store. Read about our nursing covers for more information about this item. Would make a great gift for any new Mom or Mom-to-be.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

The giveaway will run through December 31, 2007 and the winner will be announced sometime on January 1, 2008.

To Enter:

Email and put Nursing Cover in the subject line. In your email, please include your favorite item from our store and how/where you heard about the giveaway. Also include a way that I can get in touch with you if you win. Only one entry per email address please.

One More Thing:

Please copy at least ONE of your friends or family members in your entry email, letting them know about the contest so they can enter as well.

**This contest is only open to residents of the Continental U.S.**

Good Luck!

Happy New Year!

Wishing you and your family a happy and safe New Year!

Saturday, December 29, 2007

New Items on

As promised, I have added some new items to my website. They are the Baby Bling Binkie Clips and the No-Throw Sippy Cup Holder. I'll be adding additional choices soon but as always, you can choose another fabric from our Fabrics page at anytime.

Burp Cloths are Coming Soon!

Friday, December 28, 2007

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Wordless Wednesday

In Flight
This is the best I could do. All my photo's are on my external hard drive and I don't take that with me when I travel. Christmas photo's will be up soon.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Our Giveaway in 5 Minutes Around The Blogosphere

We are delighted to inform you that we will be highlighted in the upcoming 5 Minutes for Mom's Weekly Column, "5 Minutes Around The Blogosphere." Click here to check it out.

5 Minutes for Mom is a fun and informative site ran by Susan and Janice, who are work-at-home mom's themselves. They also run two toy stores, Pedal Cars and Retro Collectibles and A Rocking Horse to Love.

If this will be your first time visiting 5 Minutes for Mom, I suggest you visit their Mom Sites to meet creative new people and see all the wonderful products these Mom's have to offer.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Wordless Wednesday

Me Love Cookiesssssssss

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Advertising Swap

Now that I am all set up here and pretty close to having my website completely updated, I am looking for people who would like to swap buttons. No charge of course, just sort of a, you post mine and I'll post your's, kind of thing.

Email me if you're interested or leave a comment.

Tah!!! Dah!!!

So what do you think? Cute, Yes? :-)

Lots of thanks to Jen over at Blue Yonder Designs for helping me (actually, doing it for me) get my blog to tie in with my website. It's awesome and more importantly, she's a great person to work with and she got this up for me in no time.

If you want a chance to win a Platinum Package Design by Blue Yonder Designs, head on over to Bloggy Giveaway's , there's still time! Drawing ends tomorrow. I didn't have the patience to wait and see if I won.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Great Giveaways...

Head on over to Crunchy Domestic Goddess for your chance to win one of four awesome prizes.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Just rambling...

As I'm sure you can see, I have my header up that matches my website. Now, how do I get the rest of my blog to match my header? I have no idea. So...for a while, it's going to look like this. Hope you guys don't mind.

Last night I went out for a "girls night". With a 6 month old (TODAY! Yippee), I can't remember the last time I went out with my hubby alone, much less a bunch of my girlfriends. I have to say though, I was the party pooper of the group. I jetted off after dinner and drinks because I couldn't stop thinking about the next morning. "Do I really want to come in late to a sick, coughing, snout blowing, hubby? And then have to wake up at 6am (maybe 7am if I'm lucky) for J. Bean's first feeding?" H. E. double Hockey Sticks...NO! So instead, I get home around 8pm (geez, is that it), talk to the hubby, check some emails and I am in bed by 9:30pm. What a shame. Did I sleep good, nope! The Hub is sick, like I said earlier, and he was up every hour blowing his honker and coughing up God knows what. I know, I know, too much info. So anyway, my final wake up time was 6am, but I saw every hour that little hand hit on the alarm clock last night.

Right now it's 6:50am. I'm drinking my coffee, not feeling any effects from the 4 Margarita's I had last night, and J. Bean is just waking up but seems to be content for the moment with playing with her crib toy.

Thanks to the Girls who went out last night, I had a great time. And I hope all of ya'll are feeling as well as I am. (smile). Oh! And I need some details from someone about what happened after I left.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Finally, some honesty!

I asked my wonderful son, "Do you have ears?" He said, "Yes!" Then I asked, "Do you use them?" And he said, "No."

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Monday, December 10, 2007

Win an Insignia® Shelf System

5 Minutes for Mom is giving everyone a chance to win this awesome Insignia Shelf System.

Here is a quick rundown of the product features of the Insignia® - 75W DVD/CD/HD Radio Compact Shelf System with USB Port

- CD/DVD playback compatible with DVD/DVD-RW/DVD+RW/CD/CD-R/MP3/MP4
- Digital AM/FM with 60 presets
- HD Radio receiver
- iPod device docking with charger and function control
- Front USB input
- Audio outputs: optical and coaxial
- Video outputs:componet and S-video

Head on over to 5 Minutes for Mom for your chance to win or visit Best Buy to purchase now at a discounted price. There's still time for GUARANTEED Christmas delivery! Check out Best Buy for details.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Now this is the life

On Sunday's the Hub and I usually do a little cleaning, wash some clothes and then dedicate the rest of our time to playing with the kids or watching a family movie. But today! we were not feeling the love. We woke up at 6am (thanks to J.Bean) and wanted to immediately crawl back into bed. But instead, we got going with our morning routine. Good ole' cinnamon rolls (and a Caramel Cafe Latte for me) for breakfast. Come midday, Sean and I were done! But we still had 2 loads of laundry to fold. So we thought, "This is a good time to introduce a new chore to our 6 year old's list of Things to do around the house. Son... we yelled. Get all the clothes out of the dryer and bring them into the living room. Ok, he said. Since you are growing up to be such a responsible young man, we thought you might enjoy helping Mommy and Daddy out a little more around the house." Hey now! Don't judge, this is one of those lies that is ok to tell your child. It really does benefit everyone. :-) To our surprise, our little man was more then enthusiastic to hear what he would be doing. "We need you to fold all these clothes and then put away all the ones that are yours. And when the next load is finished, we need you to do the same thing with that load as well. Ahh man....he whined. I don't wanna do it. Too bad! I said. You need to help out a little more around here and set a good example for your little sister. Ok...I'll do it, he said." And to my surprise, he not only did a great job but in the end he was happy he did it and said he wanted to fold all the clothes from now on. Fine by me, go for it.

Now you may be wondering what the Hubby and I were doing while he was finishing up the laundry. The answer is, not a darn thing. We sat on the sofa like two stumps in the forest and watched t.v.

So now I am offering my services. Wanna whip your kid into shape? Just kidding. Hope everyone had a great weekend.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Get out of here you GRINCH!!!!

This thing creeps me out. Sean has some secret obsession (not anymore) with the Grinch. He got it out of storage a few days ago and set it up in the living room by the back door. It's motion sensitive so when you walk by it, he'll scream at you and then start singing his little Grinch song. Surprisingly, J. Bean is entertained by the freakishly ugly thing. The morning after Sean put him out, he was up around 4am for work and informed me that he almost got into a rumble with the "intruder". Needless to say, the motion sensor setting was cut off in less then 12 hours.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Personalized Items for Children

Not too long ago I realized the dangers in having things personalized with your child's name. It hit me like a ton of bricks and made me sick to my stomach to think that I may make it easier for someone to kidnap my child. I am talking about our little one's, who are still learning about strangers and what to do if you're approached by someone you don't know.

Many children today have their names on the back of their jackets, their backpacks and even their lunch boxes. Anything that is out in the public eye and has a name that your child responds to, whether it be his/her nickname or first name, is a danger. Predators are using this as a way to communicate with your child. They're already ahead because your child is understandably stumped when the predator calls to him/her by name. "How does he/she know my name? He/She must know my Mom and Dad."

I know personalizing an item for your child is absolutely adorable and I have been tempted many times to do it myself. But if you do, personalize something that will stay in your home. Our kids rooms both have their names displayed across one of their walls and a friend of mine had an apron for her daughter personalized. Their are many other cute things that you can personalize for your child and keep it in the home. I just entered a contest at Bloggy Giveaways for a personalized tag that I would used around the house for the kids.

Do you have some neat ideas of things that can be personalized and used around the home?

Any tips on how to keep our children safe? Share with us.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Calling ALL Dog Lovers

Meet Otis...
Otis is the puppy of my Mother-in-law's Bulldog Dilly. He is an 11 month old Bulldog with juvenile general Demodicosis.

With Demodicosis
Otis' Story
When Otis' family noticed something was going on with his skin, they took him to a veterinarian. They did a skin scraping to look for skin mites and they said the slide was clear. As they continued testing to figure out what was going on with him, his condition worsened. They brought him to see my Mother-in-law at her grooming shop, Puppy Pals, and then to another vet for a second opinion. Low and behold, when they did another skin scraping it was filled with mites! There was even talk of putting him to sleep because his condition was so bad and his immune system was too weak to fight it off the infection. His medications include Clavamox antibiotics, s-adenosyl-225, which is an immune system booster, s-adenosyl-100, which is canine asprin, also canine plus- vitamin + mineral suppliments, omega 3&6 gel caps and vitamin E. He needed 2 baths a day at first, then just one, with special virbac Pyoben shampoo and mite dips. The total cost for his up keep is estimated $700 a month and he needs at least 3 more month of treatment if he is to recover- that's at least $2100. This estimate does NOT include vet visit costs. He came to stay at Puppy Pals for 7 weeks while my Mother-in-law took care of him during the week. He went home on the weekends to spend time with his family. The poor little guy COULDN'T EVEN DRINK WATER. He would stand there in front of his bowl it seemed like forever. We put markers on his dish to see if the water level went down, but he wasn't getting anything. They started giving him his water with a syringe(no needles obviously) by holding his head up high and putting the water right in his mouth. He was a bit fussy about it at first, but he adjusted to it after awhile. All he wanted to do was sleep all the time. This can a regular thing for Bulldogs, but not for a 9 month old puppy. He is slowly improving is expected to make a full recovery, but the vet wants him to continue with his medication for the next 3 months to insure that he does. If he doesn't, then it could come back and they couldn't bare to see this poor little guy go through such a terrible spell again. They are doing everything they can to help him and his family through this rough time and are trying to raise a portion of his medical expenses in hopes that Otis' family receives the best christmas gift ever!!!!!! A happy, healthy Bully and a less stressful holiday season. Thank you all for your time and generosity!
Since they live in NY and I am here in Sweet Home Alabama, I figured the least I could do was post his story and a link to the auction on my post!

How to help...

An Ebay Auction to Help Otis...
MySpace Editor
MySpace Editor
MySpace Editor
MySpace Editor
If you would like more information about Otis, e-mail Brandi at or my Mother-in-law, Linda, at Thank you for reading Otis' story and if you can help make this little darling healthy and beautiful once again-THANK YOU!

Monday, December 3, 2007

Where's My Website???

I know many people who are visiting my site are wondering...Where's her website? :-) It is currently under construction but will hopefully be up and running very soon (fingers crossed).

I do want to thank you for stopping by and let you know that some of my items are up for 'Buy it Now' on eBay. There's Nursing Covers, Binkie/Pacifier Clips, Car Seat Strap Covers and No-Sew Sling Instructions listed.

Feel free to browse around and if you have any questions you can email me at

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

It's Our Anniversary

What kind of an Anniversary do a WAHMother and military Father of 2 have? Well, it goes kind of like this...

The alarm went off at 4:45am for Sean to get up and get ready for work. Once he turned the light on in the bathroom, I woke up and thought to myself..."Oh sh$@! I forgot to put the card out for him." So I tried to quietly crawl out of the noisiest bed in the world to put his card somewhere he would see it before leaving. I was hoping the noise from what sounded like a dam breaking in the bathroom would cover the sound of our squeaky bed. I was able to put the card on the laptop and get back into bed before the flush. I like to think he checks the weather every morning before going to work but who knows. He sits in front of the computer and opens the card which said..."Happy Anniversary to someone with a really cute butt! (It's true, he does) and on the inside it said...Well...except when it "talks." It talks A LOT! But anyway, I heard a cute lil' chuckle and then he came over to kiss my cheek. Before he leaves for work he kissed me again (as he does every morning), said Happy Anniversary Babe and I love you. Off to work he goes.

When I woke up this morning at 6:30am (thank you J. Bean for not waking me up sooner) I took advantage of the fact that both kids were still asleep and I jumped on the computer real quick to check my emails. After brushing my teeth first, of course. To my surprise, he had set something up on the computer for me. We're gonna side track for a minute here. Yesterday he came home for lunch and left a love song playing on the computer so I would hear it when I got home. Well, when I got home I heard what sounded to me to be mumbling coming from the master bedroom. Scared the 'you know what' out of me! I crept back there, ready for a fight, only to see the screensaver reading, "I love you Sarah" and one of our songs playing from the speakers. I called him once my heart rate went back down to a normal pace to thank him for being so sweet and to also inform him that it freaked me out a little. He and I both got a good laugh out of it. Then last night, when I was in bed trying to go to sleep. He was playing music on the computer and singing. At the time I had no idea what he was doing and I gave out a BIG sigh as I rolled over. He got the hint and asked if I was upset with him and I informed him that I was. I think my exact words were, "YES! You have that damn music up so loud and I am trying to freakin' sleep." Come to find out, he was working on something for me to discover this morning. When I turned on the computer this morning, in the middle of the screen was a folder and under it, it said OneFourThree. To him and I this means I love you (1 letter, 4 letters, 3 letters...get it?). I clicked on the folder and there was another folder with a picture of him and I and underneath that it read, "It's true...I do." I clicked on that and then another picture of us came up and underneath it said, "since the day I first saw you". And again click, another picture and another caption reading, "I knew it would be you." Again, "I've run out of rhymes." LOL Isn't he the sweetest? When I click on the last one there was a list of 5 songs for me to play. #1 Cause I Love You by Lenny Williams. #2 Knocks Me Off My Feet by Stevie Wonder (one of my fav's). # 3 Unbreakable by Alicia Keys. #4 Anniversary by Tony!Toni!Tone! and #5 Endless Love by Luther Vandross. Oh goodness, and now I am crying. The sweetest gifts are the ones that are priceless. He is so sweet and I love him so much.

Ok, so after listening to my songs and wiping my tears. I found something to put on the computer for him to see, when he got home. Just like 143 means I love you, Sean and I have started using 10 as I love you to (10 letters). We started this because it's easier to text it in numbers then spelling it out every time. And it all means the same to us. So I went online and searched for the 10 of hearts card. I found one and saved it as a screen saver and centered it right behind his 143 folder for me. When he got home from PT, he saw it and was grinning from ear to ear. Then later on in the day, just before writing this lengthy post, I saw that he put up a picture from our "wedding" as a screensaver. I have put up something else for him that he has yet to see.

So far today we have swapped a lot of love notes via the computer, went to a doctor's appt. for him, ate extremely greasy pizza for lunch, which made me sick. We plan on going grocery shopping later today after he gets off and making dinner at home, maybe. :-)

I rarely ever write long post, I prefer the pictures just because my writing skills suck. But my hubby is the greatest (most of the time) and I just wanted to share a message with my family, friends and just anyone who may be stopping by my blog today. Tell your loved ones that you love them everyday. You don't have to have a lot of money or buy fancy gifts to make someone's heart sore. Love is enough.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Wordless Wednesday...

Which also happens to be our wedding anniversary. In honor of that, my husband, my love, my soldier and my hero, here are some pictures of us.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Did someone say, Pianist?!?!

Jordan is not satisfied with the baby toys and teethers we have for her, so we got out one of Dorian's laptops and she loved it! Which we figured she would since everytime she is sitting at the computer with one of us she is banging away on our laptop. Dorian's is a lot more fun, with piano keys and lights and sounds. It has been officially named our "Emergency Toy" when we can't get her to quiet down or sit still for more then 5 minutes. I know one Grandma who would be very pleased to see Ms. J. Bean hitting those keys (piano) at only 5 months.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

It's a little late but here it is...

My first turkey!

Thank goodness I had the help of my mom and my friend Lisa. I hope everyone enjoyed their Holiday weekend.

I look psychotic in this first picture.

The things we're thankful for...