Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
Craft Room Makeover
Next, the Hubs put up some shelves to hold my growing fabric collection and other supplies. It's too bad we can't paint but I think it looks great! Much more organized then it was before.
Funny shot. Something is conveniently placed on the ironing board so it appears to be right in the Hubs's butt crack! LOL!
I have a lot of storage underneath the table and below another shelf to help with additional supplies, inventory and fabric scrapes. Thanks to the Hubs (as always) for helping me. Actually, for buying me the table and putting up the shelves and for basically making all this happen. LOL!
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Vroom! Vroom!
Friday, December 26, 2008
Christmas Day
Bean checkin' out the goods, and Max too!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Santa Came Early This Year
We told Santa it had arrived and he said I could go ahead and open it. But, I was patient enough to wait until he was around and then I dug in! Really, I did wait! Unbelievable for those of you who know me personally and have been acquainted with my lack of patience. And this comes after about 2 weeks of begging for hints and clues as to what it could be.

It's so thin, so light and perfect for working on my site in the living room while watching over the munchkins. Exactly what I wanted.
Thanks Babe!
Monday, December 22, 2008
A Message from Santa?
To my great disappointment, they were closed. Note to self: Gas Station closes at 5pm on Sunday. When I got home I considered fishing through the Halloween bag for any treats that may cure my needs. No such luck. Then I remembered the sugar cookies in the fridge for Santa. They didn't stand a chance.
We popped the first batch in and within 15 minutes we had mini Christmas sugar cookies. Yum!
It took D no time to get to work decorating. But a strange thing happened when I took the second batch out. They went in as Christmas tree's, stockings, and little snowmen but they came out like this...
Could it be? Really? A message from Santa? D thinks so, and we do too. "Cool! I bet no one has ever gotten a message from Santa like this." He said. I told him that Santa must be watching over him since it's getting closer to Christmas. :-) All the more reason to behave while you're not in school. Hopefully.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Gingerbread House
Nice huh?! It looks a 100 times better then it taste. D didn't even like it and Bean wouldn't go near it. This is a tradition that will probably end here. Unless I can find a good recipe for gingerbread, rather then buying the premade box with the icing made of crushed gravel.
We bought the Christmas tree one too. :-( We'll let Bean have her way with that one and we'll just add it to the table as a Christmas decoration.
Other traditions:
- We always open 1 present on Christmas Eve.
- Attend Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve.
- Everyone helps with baking cookies for Santa. Oh, how I love that jolly fellow!
- Cut down our own Christmas tree. However, the fake one's are so much easier.
That's all I got! We made a few decorations this year but other then that, I'm all out of idea's. What traditions do you look forward to each year?
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Today is day 2 of snow. Yesterday we were snow free and we weren't expected to have anymore snow until maybe tomorrow. It has been snowing here since 7:45am pst and it is now 4:45pm pst. Holy Moly! 9 hours straight of snow!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Snow in the Desert!
Friday, December 12, 2008
How do you wear your BabyLegs?
Just socks?
With a psychotic dog who runs around like a maniac when the camera comes out?
Or are you just so stinkin' cute that you could wear them on your pinky toe and no one would care?
Or you can do this...
- Diaper Changing a Breeze
- Promotes independence while potty training (a stage I'm approaching)
- Keep legs warm; great with carriers and strollers
- Protects soft knees from harsh surfaces
- Lightweight sun protection
- Fun and Funky fashion accessory
- Comfortable alternative to tights
- Arm Warmers for all
- Instant look of an undershirt
- Wear under a hospital gown to keep your legs & arms warm
- Wear over bandages to keep child from removing
- Provides compression for ice or heating pack
Want a pair? Or 2? Or 3? Check out our styles at The Pitter Patter Boutique!
P.S. Yes, we have lights up IN our house. I started doing it when D was younger and he loved it when we would turn the lights on at night. He's 7 and still loves it, maybe not as much but Bean surely enjoys it.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Just a Mom
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Frustration, Disappointment & Sadness
It'll require all products intended for children 12 years and under and made by all manufacturers, big and small, to be tested for lead. Every single component must be tested individually. Thread, buttons, fabric, snaps, zippers, every single piece of the puzzle.
I want to emphasize that, as you all know, I am a parent as well and I care very much about the safety of my children and all children who use my products. I welcome measures to further insure the safety of our children against the threat of lead, however such measures are only effective if they target the real risks.
It's killing me to think that everything I've worked so hard for is going to come to an end so abruptly. And unfortunately, it's happening to all the small businesses that sell baby/children's items. And it's happening to you too! They're projecting a 50% cost increase to consumers on products from companies that were able to survive the testing fee's. This includes ALL items intended for children. Cribs, slings, high chairs, cradles, apparel, shoes, and so much more.
This is a recent discovery for me and I still have a lot of reading to do to see exactly where I lie come February 10, 2009. As of right now, all my thoughts are bad and I don't see The Pitter Patter Boutique surviving this law. To read more about this law or to sign a petition, please view the links below.
More information:
Petition: http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/e...SIA/index.html
About the bill: http://www.cpsc.gov/ABOUT/Cpsia/legislation.html
Read more about what's being dubbed National Bankruptcy Day here: http://nationalbankruptcyday.com/
Sunday, December 7, 2008
There is Hope