Sunday, November 30, 2008
Cyber Monday Special
The discount coupon code will be listed at the top of our homepage. All you have to do is order anytime on December 1st and enter your discount coupon code at checkout. We'll automatically ship your free gift along with your order.
Feel free to share the news with your friends and family members but remember, this special is only for 24 hours so don't miss out.
*Only one free gift per customer
Friday, November 28, 2008
2008 LA Auto Show
Before celebrating Thanksgiving with family and friends, the hubs and I went to the 2008 LA Auto Show. When we first walked in we were greeted by the gorgeous Cadillac's that are now (and about to be) on the market. I was checking out this beauty right here...

After checking out the exterior, the Hubs pointed out that the car has touch sensitive door handles. So I gave it a try and thought it was pretty cool. Then I started to wonder, "Does it automatically assist you when you close the door like the BMW 745?" And what I mean by "auto assist" is, when you gently close your door, does it pull it closed the rest of the way?
I'm sorry to say, that we will never know the answer to that. After pulling the door open, I proceeded to shut the door but kept my hand on the touch sensitive pad to see if I could feel the car pulling the door closed. I didn't feel anything but my index finger getting slammed into the car.
OUCH!!! I looked at the Hubs and said, "My finger's stuck!" And he calmly said, "You're lying." After waiting a few seconds and discovering that my brave hubby wasn't going to assist in my finger removal, I quickly opened the door with my other hand. I started to laugh a bit because I couldn't believe how silly I was to leave my hand on the door while shutting it.
After another few seconds my eyes started to fill up with tears as the pain overwhelmed me. But I couldn't stop laughing. The hubs was laughing right along with me and maybe a little too much. (Giving the evil eye). The poor kids were just looking at us like we were crazy.
After a good 5 minutes of making a complete fool out of myself we continued on through the auto show. To my disappointment, I didn't get a free XLR out of it. Just some laughter from the medics who I went to after my finger tripled in size.
All and all, we had a great time and a wonderful evening. Here's some pics from the show.
To my hubby, Happy Anniversay and thank you for being a loving, caring (except for the finger thing), helpful and strong man for me and our children. I love you very much and look forward to spending many, many, many, many more years with you.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Custom Seat Belt Strap Covers

And as always, at The Pitter Patter Boutique you get to choose your own fabric from over 50 choices!

Sunday, November 23, 2008
Mashed Potatoes for 25
"D's" school had a Thanksgiving lunch on Friday and I signed up for the mashed potatoes. I should've picked the corn, much easier and less messy. But, I figured since I can make mashed potatoes for 4, how hard can 25 be? LMAO!
Meet "Big ASS Pot". A pot so gigantic that we gave it a name and it has it's very own "Big ASS Pot" box ready and waiting for every time we move.
Thank God for "Big ASS Pot" because without it, I would've had to boil 3 seperate batches of potatoes.
So BIG, it takes up my entire sink. However, it was 3/4 full of potatoes.
Mommy's lil' helper, searching for a bowl big enough to hold & mix all of our potatoes & other ingredients. Didn't happen, don't own a bowl that size.
Drain and dump. Drain some more and...dump some more. Drain even more and dump again.
Now if I was smart, I would have mixed the potatoes and ingredients in "Big ASS Pot" but obviously, I was lacking that part of my brain that morning.
I may have went a little overboard on the butter. I told the hubs that I put a whole box in and he said, "You mean a whole stick?" And I said, "Nope! A whole box, 4 sticks!" Plus some sour cream, salt, pepper, garlic powder and milk.
The end result, after putting it in the oven to melt. Too much butter that ended up all over my oven.
But his school mates, teacher's and other parents seemed to like it. :-) The stuff that is bad for you is always Oh-S0-Yummy!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
I'm Back...
I didn't get any photo's of the show because you're not allowed to video or photograph during the performance and I didn't think any one would want to see a picture of the big red curtain.
Dinner (or dessert) at Smith & Wolensky's
Las Vegas traffic on a Sunday night
One of the entrances to the new Wynn Hotel (great buffet)
Friday, November 14, 2008
Vegas Here We Come!
While there, were going to see "O" Cirque du Soleil at the Bellagio. I'm so excited! I'll be back soon with photo's. :-)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Hit & Run - More for the Offender
I always glance at it and say, "Whatever! Nothing's going to happen." Well yesterday, it did. After enjoying some Putt-Putt Golf and games at Castle Park in Riverside, CA, the hubs walked out to the car to find this...

Isn't it lovely? And that's not black paint folks, that's metal! And that mean's, a whole new bumper. Thanks jackass!
My husband quickly called the insurance company and at this point, I was so pissed that I started walking through the parking lot looking for any vehicle with white paint on the front, passenger side bumper.
After speaking with the insurance company and calling the cops so we could have a report, he went inside to speak to the manager about the SECURITY CAMERA'S (you big dummy) that were posted up outside. After viewing the tape and seeing the SUV slam into my car, (now really, were you aiming for my back end cause you didn't even come close to making it into the spot?) the manager quickly made copies for us and the COPS.
You're probably wondering by now, "why in the world is she directing this to the dumbass?" Well, if I was stupid enough to slam into someone's car and then park 10 spaces away and get out of my vehicle to walk around and scratch my head and then flee when I see the vehicle owner coming out (Yup, we saw that too!), I definitely wouldn't have missed this...
Can you believe it? My phone number is right there for them to call. And if I hit someone's car and ran away, (not that I would ever do that) I would be a little curious about the person I hit.
So here it it. I'm hoping Dummy #1 and Dummy #2 got curious. They went to my site and saw the "Blog" button and thought, "hmm, I wonder what this is?" And BOOM! Here they are.
I know, I know, it's a long shot. But I also need to vent.
A note to the stupid prick: We have you on video. We will enhance the video and get the license plate number to your SUV. We will then call our insurance company so they can get in touch with your insurance company. And because this is considered a "Hit & Run", we will then call the Riverside, CA Police Department and file charges! Hope you had a great Veteran's Day because we didn't.
Also, thank you to management at Castle Park. He was very helpful and even gave us free coupons good for many more trips and endless rides. Next time, we'll take the tank!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
The Mini Rag Quilt
I want it to be big enough for the hubs and I to cuddle up under on cool nights, when the kids are already tucked into bed. Other then that, I'm sure it'll be thrown on the floor and used by "D" to drag his sister around the house. She loves that.
Before tackling my biggest project ever! I thought I would do a "mini" version for "Bean". The photo's are below and I think it's the cutest thing. Now I'm debating about offering these on my website and customers can custom design their own.
What do you think? "Bean" seems to love it.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
TAG - I'm it!
The rules: Tag 8 people, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chat box that he/she has been tagged.
1. At what age do/did you (wish to) marry? Early 20's. And it happened, I got married when I was 23.
2. What color do you like most? Black. Because I look good in it and it goes with everything. Well, except brown.
3. If you can have a superpower, what would it be? I would like to be able to teleport myself. And anything I am touching at the time of teleportation. I'd spend all my days on a beach somewhere far far away.
4. If you can travel anywhere in the world, where would you want to go? The Bora Bora Island or Paris.
5. Which part of you do you hate the most? My legs. I use to have dancer legs. (NO, not a stripper! The proper kind of dancing) Now I have Mom of 2 kids, need to get back into shape legs. Working on it though...30lbs. down.
6. When you get sad, what do you do? Cry or get quiet.
7. What book are you reading now? Hard Eight by Janet Evanovich
8. If you win $1 million, what would you do with the money? Pay off all debt, set enough aside for the kid's college, custom build the house of my dreams (I mean our dreams) with a big ass closet to hold all my new clothes and shoes. Then I'd probably have to buy the Hubs a few more cars and a boat and God knows what else.
9. What did you love the most about last year (2007)? Having my daughter.
10. How did you get your name? My Momma! :-) No big thing behind it, just means princess in Hebrew.
11. What is the moment you regret most? Let's just say, I was 16 and just got my driver's license.
12. What type of person do you hate the most? The rude one's. I'm gonna be like the chick in the book I'm reading, I'll just start zapping people with a stun gun when they piss me off!
13. What is your greatest asset? I think the hubs would say my chest but I like my eyes.
14. If you had one wish, what would you wish for? Endless wishes.
15. How did you celebrate the New Year? I think the hubs and I just sat around the house. And I'm pretty sure we crashed before midnight. So sad.
16. What tv show do you watch that you are embarrassed to tell people about? Sean thinks it's funny that I watch this but I like Unwrapped. It's on the food channel and they basically talk about how things are made.
17. It’s 2008. What are you looking forward to this year? Well, the year is almost over so I'd say...Christmas at home for the first time. With our own tree and our own traditions.
18. Anything in your life that you wish weren’t so awful? I'm pretty blessed. If someone could lower the pitch of my daughters "I want it Now!" scream, I would really appreciate it.
19. What’s the shallowest thing you intend to do this year? Hmmm, nothing that I can think of. Hubs? Anything you can think of?
20. If you had $100.00 bucks & had to spend it on your self, what would you get? A new pair of jeans, a tee & shoes if I had enough.
I'm not very good at tagging people so if you are reading this, consider yourself tagged...Tag-you're it!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
A Funny
Bubba died in a fire and his body was burned pretty badly. The morgue needed someone to identify the body, so they sent for his two best friends, Cooter and Gomer. The three men had always done everything together all of their lives.
Cooter arrived first, and when the mortician pulled back the sheet, Cooter said, "Yup, his face is burned up pretty bad. You better roll him over." The mortician rolled him over and Cooter said, "Nope, ain't Bubba."
The mortician thought this was rather strange, so he brought Gomer in to confirm. "Yup, he's pretty well burnt up. Roll him over." The mortician rolled him over and Gomer said, "No, it ain't Bubba.”
The mortician asked, "How can you tell?'' "Well, Bubba had two assholes." ''What? He had two assholes?" asked the mortician. "Yup, we never seen em, but everybody used to say, There's Bubba with them two assholes."
Monday, November 3, 2008
Here's What You've Missed
We had another visitor of the arachnid kind. His name, Tarant-a-Not. I named him this because he is missing one leg and I bet it's because he wondered near one of our neighbors houses and they went after him with a shovel. We were a bit more kind to this little creature.
Instead of smashing him with a rock or beating him with a bat :-( (as ugly and as creepy as they are, I just can't kill them) we photographed and measured him. LOL! Then the Hubs knocked him off the wall of our house and into a small trash can that sat below.
He handed me the yard stick and was preparing to launch the creepy crawler, minus the trash can, over the fench when he lost his footing (or got scared) and tossed the trash can right into the fench. It landed on our side of the fence and I didn't stick around to see if Tarant-a-Not was scurrying around our backyard.
The Hubs jumped up on the fence and confirmed that Tarant-a-Not was safely on the other side of the fence. Thank goodness! Now he is safely 20 feet from our house and off to disturb another family.
During my search I found 2 ads that I just had to share. Here they are...

Sunday, November 2, 2008
A Flower, A Werewolf and Michael???
We trick-or-treated through my nephew's subdivision and got a work out while we were at it. The hills in Cali are no joke. And Daddy got an extra workout because he would carry "Bean" from house to house and then put her down when he got close to the door.
And the Winner of the Cozy Blanket is...
Congratulation Kathy!
Thank you to everyone who participated! If you want a shot at winning more Custom Baby Gear, sign up for our Newsletter here (middle of page on right side). And as a bonus, you'll receive a 10% Discount Coupon good on anything in our store!