The Mini Cooper
When cruising along the coast in your super cool coop (in front of a cop), please remember to maintain at least the minimum speed limit.
Mr. Coop was driving MAYBE 20mph right infront of the CHP (California Highway Patrol). Once we rounded a curve on the mountain and a turnout* opened up, the CHP dude flashed his lights and pulled Mr. Coop over.
Sean and I in unison said, "Thank God!". Mr. CHP wrenched his door open and slammed it as he stormed towards Mr. Coop. Sean and I were "LOAO*"! As we passed (window cracked) we heard "7....8....", I quickly figured out that he was counting the number of cars Mr. Coop was holding up. We were number 8.
The Crabcake
I have a small obsession with Crabcakes. I LOVE THEM! I ate two of them while in San Francisco. Can't get fresh seafood in the middle of the desert. CC number one wasn't as good as CC number two, pictured below.

Crabcake sandwich. I prefer my CC without a bun but this beauty was oh-so-yummy! Minus the healthy crap like the tomatoe and cucumber, it was delicious!
SEE! Delicious.
So....I am now on a mission to find the tastiest Crabcake. Here's the order so far...
#1 - Smith & Wollensky Steak House, Las Vegas, NV
#2 - Knuckles Bar & Grill, San Francisco, CA
#3 - Pompeii's Grotto, San Francisco, CA
This is my one 'Anytime Freebie' when it comes to the diet. We're all entitled to a little fun, right?!
If you have a yummy crabcake recipe, please share. I have no idea how to make these things, which is probably for the best, but I'd love to give it a try.
In the spirit of trying things, I gave a Mojito a go. I had a sip of one while in Vegas with my sis and I had one with my CC from Knuckles. Yummy too!
On to other San Francisco notes:
- DO NOT visit China Town between the hours of 8:30am and 10:00am. IF you do, avoid any and all produce markets. Madness! I'm willing to bank that fresh produce is only shipped in on Saturday mornings. The one morning we were cruisin' the mean streets of China Town, San Fran. ;)
- DO take the cable cars. So much fun BUT, try to get a seat because you will (most likely) get a little too close to the guy or girl holding on for dear life beside you.
That's all I got. Time for bed...
*Turnout - An area along a roadwaywhere slow drivers are supposed to pull over so people like Speed Racer Sean can pass. :)
*LOAO - Laughing Our Asses Off