Sunday, February 28, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
Neuro # 3 - Whatcha Say?
He asked me some questions and got caught up on my current stats. Fatigue. Ringing/Buzzing in Ears. Vertigo. Blurred Vision. Heat Sensitivity. Dazed Vision. The list goes on and on.
We asked a few questions, and I even asked about CCSVI, which he was very familiar with. THANK YOU! I don't care what your view is on it but if you're a part of the MS community, especially if you're an MS Specialist, and you haven't heard of CCSVI, I'd rather not deal with you.
He gave a gracious opinion about the works going on with CCSVI and thought that if it is truly something that could help patients with MS, he would be elated.
I brought up my fatigue, my new found symptom that's probably been around for a while but what I'm just now admitting to. He offered me a drug (can't remember the name, sorry) that comes with two very specific side effects and one benefit.
The Benefit - It's used to fight the flu. So come flu season if I'm still on it, I won't need to get my flu shot. Doesn't really matter to me anyway since I've never had a flu shot in my adult life.
The Side Effects - Brace yourself. Number one: Your legs will turn blue. LMAO! Yes, blue. He even said that it would look like I was wearing blue fishnet stockings. Sexy! Sexy! Number two: I will have a very specific dream. The dream will seem as if someone is looking in my bedroom window.
(Little info about me. I am very aware of my surroundings and extremely guarded, you can say, when it comes to people knocking on my door, walking behind me, whatever. If you knock on my door and I don't know you, you can assume I'm packin'. LOL! Simple enough, I will not be a victim and MY children will not be victims either. PERIOD.)
So when the doc said that, the hubs said, "I don't want bullet holes in my bedroom windows." LOL! Which would probably happen. I would seriously freak out if I had a dream like that. Eek!
So with those two side effects, the doc said that this pill is the safest on the market. Really? Blue Fishnet-like legs minus the fishnets is safe? Ok. He offered a couple of other solutions too. Like, take a 30-minute nap right after lunch but be sure it's no longer than 30-minutes.
That would be great but...
a) How do I know when I'll fall asleep so I'll know when to set my alarm to wake me up?
b) If Sean is around how will he know when I'm finally asleep so he'll know when to wake me up?
c) How will I fall asleep? Really, how? I'm not a napper unless I'm really just blahhh.... and that's rare.
After talking for 30 or 40 minutes, I did some sort of speed walking test. I was wearing my 'Got Sexy' heels and wasn't making good time so I ditched them and went at it bare footed. Yuk! I hate walking around anywhere other than my home with bare feet but what can ya do.
Then I got sent down to the lab. Dammit! Did you know I hate needles? Yeah, I see the damn things everyday but, well, technically I don't see them going in so it doesn't count.
I had to give a couple of tubes over to Satan's li'l helpers so they could see if my liver is being affected by the Copaxone and also make sure my white blood cell count is ok. Results to come. If you're on Copaxone, supposably you're supposed to get tested for those two sometime after starting the meds. Neuro number 2 never mentioned it but I'd rather be safe than sorry. Something to mention if you haven't done this and you just started a med. I think it goes for all the Fab-Four crab drugs.
C- Copaxone
R - Rebif
A - Avonex
B - Betaseron
So that's about it. Once I get the prescription for the fatigue stuff (I didn't remind him of it before we left because I wasn't too interested so he forgot to write it out. But his nurse called and said they would mail the prescription just in case.) I'll let you know the name when it comes in, just in case you hate the flu and love blue fishnets.
Oh! I just remembered a couple of things.
1. He said that caffeine may help with my fatigue issues and that our bodies get fatigued when our body temperature rises. He said that our body temperature is at it's lowest at 4am, and at it's highest at 4pm. Makes sense to me, I'm usually on my third or forth burn-out come 4pm.
2. He also said that people with Multiple Sclerosis suffer from an over-active immune system. Contrary to what I wrote in a previous post. I was so bummed when I was told that our immune systems are weakened due to MS but it turns out, according to my doc, they're not. And with Copaxone, it's fighting off about 1/3 of additional crap.
So there ya go!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Got Sexy?

I'm in LOVE with these shoes. They arrived in the mail yesterday, a gift from the Hubs. And maybe a gift for him too. LOL! Just slightly below stripper level. :)
In an effort to beautify my legs, I'm going to wear heels as much as possible. A tip from my Zumba instructor, and it's definitely true. Of course my toes WILL NOT appreciate the effort, but they'll make it through.
This morning I ran to Target and picked up some products that'll make sexy heel wearin' a bit more comfy. In case you need a cozier pump, slingback, wedge, or whatever, try...
- Dr. Scholl's For Her High Heel Insoles
- Dr. Scholl's Heel Liners
- Dr. Scholl's For Her Rub Relief Strips
I paid about $20.00 for all of the above and I felt a great difference. Yay! Haven't used the Rub Relief Strips yet.
Heels make me feel powerful! And 6+ feet tall!
Off topic - Tomorrow is my Neuro appt. It's the first appointment I've had with a Neuro where I haven't been nervous. I guess it's because he's not going to tell me anything I don't already know.
And maybe I'll wear my new shoes.
Monday, February 22, 2010

I received this invitation in the mail over the weekend. It's from Shared Solutions, the people behind Copaxone.
When I opened it, I saw the name of my former neurologist and I about screamed. I am extrememly frustrated that this incompetent, money stealing woman who claims to care about her patients is the "Featured Speaker" at this meeting. WHAT?!?!
I posted a few of the encounters I had with her last year while trying to get a diagnosis. You can read here and here and there's probably more.
I don't know what to think of it. To me, it seems like a joke. When I first saw it, I thought, "Great! Finally something to go to that's talking specifically about my situation and possibly updating us on upcoming treatments."
I'm unsure about what to do. Just ignore it, and let other people believe she's this excellent doctor in the field of neurology. Because she's not. Do I call Shared Solutions and see why they thought she was the best doctor in the area to deliver this speech?
I see myself sitting at this meeting (which seems to be very informal since it's taking place in a Bistro) and just getting so angry as I listen to her. I have a vision of me standing up, throwing my arm into the air with my finger pointing straight at her and saying, FRAUD!
Oh goodness. What to do? What to do? I would say that I would bring the hubby along for support but I think he may be more unhappy with her than I am.
So I'm not sure. I may just go for the last two words printed on the invitation, Dinner Served, and see what the slacker has to say. And then maybe I'll tell her that the seizures she said I had, weren't really seizures at all. And the brain MRI that was no worry of her's and was probably fine, had three lesions on it. And had she actually given me longer than 12.2 seconds to explain my symptoms and test my neurological response, she may've discovered quite a few more things pointing to Multiple Sclerosis.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Toss-Me-Not Sippy Cup Holders - Buy 2 Get 1 Free
Put your worries of flying bottles and sippy cups behind you. Bring back the enjoyment of long strolls in the park and dinners at nice restaurants!
Keep your little one from launching that sippy cup or baby bottle clear across the room with our Toss-Me-Not™, Handmade Sippy Cup & Baby Bottle Holders.
- Loop one end around your stroller, car seat strap, shopping cart, high chair, or anywhere that baby is... The other end fastens securely around the sippy cup or baby bottle.
- Adjustable clip allows you to keep a tight grip on the cup or baby bottle.
- Holds bottles and sippy cups with or without handles.
- Length is generous enough for your little one to drink easily, yet keep it from hitting the floor when he or she lets go.
- Machine washable and dryer safe.
Customize your Toss-Me-Not Sippy Cup Holder™ in your favorite choice from our Fabric Collection!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Valentine's Day on a Budget
Before and After
Snickers are his favorite. Even though he say's he doesn't like chocolate. LOL!
There's a message inside each bottle leading him to the next one. When he found the last bottle, there was a little gift waiting.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Video of Me Injecting My Arm
This video was made to help a fellow MS'er who was having trouble injecting her arms by herself. Hope it can help others too.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Sharing my Wisdom
I'm 2 days in to the pain that comes with a wisdom tooth removal. And to think I was considering getting all 3 taken out. Ha! I don't think so.
The last time I had one removed I was 8 months preggo with Bean. No heavenly Vicodin pills for me then. I had to ride the pain out for the sake of the little angel growing inside of me. She was worth it of course, but I'll never forget that pain.
I told the doc of this, and then asked "You are going to prescribe me drugs, right?" He of course said "Yes" and I was good to go. Two stinging injections later (that pulled tears out of my eyes), I was numb.
The tooth was out in about 20 seconds and I didn't feel a thing.
I felt something hit the back of my throat. I thought one of the tools slipped out of the nurse or docs hand but when I heard them say, "Where'd it go?" I knew they were talking about my tooth.
I gave them a few more seconds to panic and then I put my hands up to say, "Get the hell out of my way so I can cough this thing up".
I leaned forward, let out a powerful cough, and watched my wisdom tooth come flying out of my mouth and land on my leg.
"There you go!'' I said.
I spent the next 8 hours gauzing it up to stop the bleeding. Then I got a little happy with the vicodin (and maybe a little brave too), and took the max dose. Two. Bad idea.
I spent the last few minutes of my evening puking up my dinner (Chicken and Stars soup).
That's probably too much information but I feel we're there. :)
Today is Valentine's Day. I'll be spending mine with the Hubs, at his job. But as long as I'm with him, I don't care where we are.
To all the lovers out there, have a wonderful day.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
I had a moment like that.
But instead, I was driving 40mph towards home down a lonely stretch of road with no other headlights interfering with my view.
It was beautiful.
Like I was in a time warp. Just me, zooming through the snow. Or like bright white fireworks, exploding beautifully at just the right moment. Right before my eyes.
I love the snow.
Well, I love it in moderation. A good snowfall once (maybe twice) a year would be perfect for me. I think about how I love the way it looks, feels, and sometimes even how it tastes. Then I remember that snow is just recycled frozen water that was probably pissed on at one time or another.
I retract that I like the taste.
Monday, February 8, 2010
teaMSarah - A Step in the Right Direction

Saturday, April 10, 2010Town Square Park, Murrieta, CA
Start/Finish Line: The start/finish line will be at Town Square Park, Murrieta
Please Note: Participation is FREE. This is a Donation ONLY event.
How to Join our Team and/or Donate
1. Go to
2. Click “Donate to Sarah!” at the top of the page.
3. You will then be taken to a secure site provided by the National MS Society.
4. Follow the steps and make a donation to a worthy cause.
1. Go to
2. Click “Join Sarah’s Team!”.
3. Follow each step to join the team.
NOTE: If you decide to make a Self Pledge at the time you register, you'll be asked to pay at that time. If you’d rather wait and donate later, or on the day of the walk, you can leave the pledge field blank.
After you fill out all the necessary information, you will be enrolled in Team Sarah. Sean and I are working on enrolling new participants daily. If you know of anyone who would like to participate or just donate, please forward this information to them. Please also feel free to copy all this information and post it on your own blog.
This is our first walk so we're sort of making a big deal out of it. :) We have set our team goal at $1,000.00 and we are fully confident that with your help, we’ll reach that goal.
Thank you so much for your help and support.
Sean and Sarah Ellis
Sarah’s email – - Feel free to contact me with any questions or comments.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Scars the Name
It's quite embarrassing how I acquired these markings. There's actually a second one on the left side of my nose but it's pretty small.
I'm not use to having long (natural) nails. I can thank my supplements for that I'm sure.
The first scratch, on my nose, happened while blowing my nose. Silly!
The one on my forehead happened when I got excited about Cheesecake. The Hubs was going to bring a slice home for me and I said "Yay!" and threw my hands in the air. But not before my thumb nail scraped a few layers of skin off my head.
Luckily, I have a future Doctor on my hands and she patched me right up.
P.S. Have you seen the MS walk icon to the right? More on that soon. :)
Thursday, February 4, 2010
My Jones Pure Cane Soda
Other YUMMY flavors include: Black Cherry, Pomegranate, Vanilla Bean, Blue Bubblegum, Cream Soda, Grape, Root Beer and Many More!
Check mine out ~~~~~~>
I thought I'd play a joke on the family so Bean is sipping a cold one. (It's sealed, so no worries.) You can add any photo or caption you'd like to create your very own, and very unique gift.
My caption properly read:
"myJones Soda...
A Better Alternative."
It was hard not to drink them all in one day. Myself, the kids, the Hubs, and the rest of our family loved myJones Soda.
I was happy to see that all 12 of our sodas arrived safely and even happier to find a great little message under each bottle cap. A very subtle touch that makes a big difference to a consumer like me.
myJones Pure Cane Soda is perfect for...
The people I spoke to at myJones are great and the product is even better! I just wanted to share this unique company with you so maybe you can put a smile on someone elses face.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Just Call Me Droop
My left eye (your right), it's drooping.
I don't like it!
Why? What is it?
I did a bit of googling and came across something called Ptosis (pronounced toe' sis). Gonna have to ask my Ophthamologist about this one. Good timing to completely obsess about it I guess. It said it could be caused by a neurological disease so I'm blaming this one on the fabulous MS. (Insert profanity here)
I've noticed it before and mentioned it to the Hubs but he calls me crazy. LOL! Then I showed him the pics I took yesterday, the ones above, and also told him that Paris Hilton has the same thing.
He called it a Beauty Mark.

I guess so.
Dentist today. Ophthamologist bright and early tomorrow morning. Fun times!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Me: Yes baby, I am.
On Friday (or maybe it was Thursday, I can't remember) I saw a trainer for the first time. After a brief run-through about what I'm looking to accomplish, a BMI and body fat test, we got to work.
Thirty minutes later...
I felt like I was going to die. I sent a text to the Hubs to tell him I was finished and to relay the message that I felt like I was going to die. I even thought I may have for a second or two. Today, four (maybe five) day's later, I am still so sore.
And you know what, we didn't even use weights. I was the weight! All 166lbs. of me. Crap!!! I don't like the scale at that gym. That same morning my scale told me I weighed 161. Ah well, I don't really care about the number anymore anyways.
Tonight, Yoga! Tomorrow, more soreness and a dentist appointment. Thursday, Ophthamologist appointment. Friday, Nothing!